SpaceX Launches 🚀
20 September 2024 ~ 12:00
🛰 Starlink: Group 9-17 (~21 satellites) • SpaceX
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC-4E • LEO
Launch of ~21 Starlink v2 mini satellites, likely including some with direct-to-cell connectivity, to a 535 km (332 mi) orbit at an inclination of 53° to expand internet constellation.
Net September 2024
🛰 Starlink: Group 9-8 (~21 satellites) • SpaceX
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC-4E • LEO
Launch of ~21 Starlink v2 mini satellites, likely including some with direct-to-cell connectivity, to a 535 km (332 mi) orbit at an inclination of 53° to expand internet constellation.
26 September 2024 ~ 18:05
👨‍🚀 Crew-9 (Crew Dragon C212.4 Freedom) • NASA (CTS)
F9 B5 B1085.2 • Cape Canaveral, SLC‑40 • LEO (ISS)
After first six Crew Dragon launches of NASA USCV award, a further three missions for SpaceX were announced on 3 December 2021. These launches carry up to four astronauts and 100 kg (220 lb) of cargo to the ISS as well as feature a lifeboat function to evacuate astronauts from ISS in case of an emergency. Only two crew will fly on this mission, and they will carry suits that will allow the Boeing Starliner astronauts to return when Crew 9 does. First crewed mission to launch from Cape Canaveral Space Launch Complex 40.
September 2024
OneWeb 20 (20 satellites) • OneWeb
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC-4E • Polar LEO
Mission dedicated to the internet satellites of the OneWeb constellation.
7 October 2024 ~ 14:52
Hera with Juventas and Milani • ESA
F9 B5 • Cape Canaveral, SLC‑40 • Heliocentric
Hera is a space mission in development at the European Space Agency in its Space Safety program. Its primary objective is to study the Didymos binary asteroid system that was impacted by DART and contribute to validation of the kinetic impact method to deviate a near-Earth asteroid in a colliding trajectory with Earth. It will measure the size and the morphology of the crater created by and momentum transferred by an artificial projectile impacting an asteroid, which will allow measuring the efficiency of the deflection produced by the impact. It will also carry two nano-satellite CubeSats, called Milani and Juventas.
10 October 2024 ~ 16:31
Europa Clipper • NASA
Falcon Heavy B5 B1090 (core), B1064.6 (side), B1065.6 (side) • Kennedy, LC‑39A • Heliocentric
Europa Clipper will conduct a detailed survey of Europa and use a sophisticated suite of science instruments to investigate whether the icy moon has conditions suitable for life. Key mission objectives are to produce high-resolution images of Europa's surface, determine its composition, look for signs of recent or ongoing geological activity, measure the thickness of the moon's icy shell, search for subsurface lakes, and determine the depth and salinity of Europa's ocean. The mission will fly past Mars and Earth before arriving at Jupiter in April 2030. The side boosters and the center core will all be expended.
16 October 2024 ~ 10:00
📦 SpaceX CRS-31 (Cargo Dragon C208.5) • NASA (CRS)
F9 B5 • Cape Canaveral, SLC‑40 • LEO (ISS)
Six additional CRS-2 missions for Dragon 2 were announced in March 2022, resupplying the ISS until 2026.
October 2024
🌘 Blue Ghost M1 • Firefly Aerospace NASA (CLPS)
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • TLI
Firefly Aerospace has selected SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket to deliver the Blue Ghost lunar lander to the lunar surface. Blue Ghost will carry 10 payloads for NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services task order 19D mission along with other separately contracted payloads.
November 2024
🚌 Transporter-12 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
November 2024
Spainsat-NG I • Hisdesat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Communications satellite built on the Eurostar-Neo platform, to be utilized by the Spanish government and its allies. First of two launches for the Spainsat-NG program.
November 2024
🚌 Bandwagon-2 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to 45 degree inclination 550–600 km altitude. 425 Project Flight 3 is a military satellite of South Korea with a mass of ~800 kg.
Q4 2024
Fram2 (Crew Dragon C210.4 Endurance) • Chun Wang
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • Polar LEO
First ever crewed mission launched into Polar Orbit and to fly over Earth's Poles.
Q4 2024
Koreasat 6A • KT Sat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
South Korean communications satellite built on the Spacebus-4000B2 platform. To be positioned at 116° East.
H2 2024
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • TBA
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2021.
H2 2024
O3b mPOWER 7 & 8 • SES
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • MEO
In August 2020, SES expanded the O3b mPOWER contract with two additional launches, raising the number of satellites from 7 to 11 satellites at nearly 2 tons each. In October 2023 the mission was delayed to the second half of 2024 due to electrical issues discovered in the first four satellites of the constellation.
H2 2024
WorldView Legion 5 & 6 (2 satellites) • Maxar Technologies
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • SSO
Maxar Technologies built satellites.
H2 2024
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • TBA
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2021.
Late 2024
Nusantara Lima • PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO?
A hot backup system for SATRIA-1.
MicroGEO (4 satellites) • Astranis
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GEO
Dedicated Falcon 9 launch to put four Astranis MicroGEO communications satellites into service in 2023. The MicroGEOs will be launched to a custom geostationary orbit, with the four satellites individually conducting on-orbit maneuvers to inject themselves into their orbital slots. However, it is unclear whether this will be a direct to geostationary orbit insertion, or an optimized geostationary transfer orbit. The four spacecraft will be mounted to a standard adapter ring, known as an ESPA-Grande, for ease of deployment.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer A • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
GSAT-20 (CMS-03) • New Space India Limited Dish TV
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Indian telecommunications satellite for Dish TV. Originally planned to launch on ISRO's LVM3, but later shifted to Falcon 9 due to mass and scheduling issues. It will be the first ISRO-made satellite to move from geostationary transfer orbit to geostationary orbit using electric propulsion.
🚌 DOGE-1 Possible rideshare • Geometric Energy
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • TLI
Originally expected to be a secondary rideshare payload on IM-1 mission but the 40 kg was later postponed to a later date due to incomplete radio and launch requirements.[non-primary source needed]
🌘 ispace 2nd lunar lander • ispace
F9 B5 • TBD • TLI
Second lunar lander built by Japanese company ispace.
Thuraya 4-NGS • Thuraya
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Planned replacement for Thuraya 2.
🚌 Reentry demonstration capsule Possible rideshare • The Exploration Company
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
1600 kg 2.5 metre diameter reduced scale test of a reentry capsule, the full-scale version Nyx (4 metre diameter 8000 kg) is planned to deliver payloads to the ISS and return them back to Earth.
👽 USSF-31 • USSF
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • TBA
Classified mission, part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
January 2025
🌘 IM-2 Nova-C lunar lander Lunar Trailblazer Sherpa-ES • NASA (CLPS) Intuitive Machines Spaceflight, Inc.
F9 B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
Intuitive Machines is sending its second lander aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9, with a projected launch time frame in January 2025. In February 2024, Intuitive Machines has completed its first lander mission via SpaceX, which is also hosting payloads for other private companies seeking to make lunar landfall under NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services program. NASA's PRIME-1 is expected to be included. The Sherpa-ES Go Beyond orbital transfer vehicle will deploy rideshare payloads to trans-lunar orbit, low-lunar orbit and beyond to GEO. NASA's Lunar Trailblazer mission will fly as a secondary payload on this mission.
27 February 2025
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • SSO
In February 2021, NASA announced a $99 million contract for its Astrophysics Division.
February 2025
🚌 Transporter-13 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
February 2025
🚌 Bandwagon-3 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to 45 degree inclination 550–600 km altitude.
February 2025
📦 CRS NG-22 • Northrop Grumman (CRS)
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO (ISS)
Third of three launches Northrop Grumman acquired from SpaceX while a replacement engine is developed for its Antares rocket. Unmanned Enhanced Cygnus cargo spacecraft.
29 April 2025
Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe (IMAP) • NASA
F9 B5 • Cape Canaveral, SLC‑40 • Sun–Earth L1
In September 2020, NASA selected SpaceX to launch the IMAP mission, which will help researchers better understand the boundary of the heliosphere, a magnetic barrier surrounding our solar system. The total launch cost is approximately US$109.4 million. The secondary payloads include two NASA heliophysics missions of opportunity and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Follow On-Lagrange 1 (SWFO-L1) mission.
April 2025
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Tandem Reconnection and Cusp Electrodynamics Reconnaissance Satellites (TRACERS) is a Small Explorers program mission. Expected to be part of a rideshare mission.
April 2025 onwards
12 launches for Rivada broadband constellation • Rivada Space Networks
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • LEO
In March 2023, Rivada contracted SpaceX to launch 300 B2B broadband satellites over 12 Falcon 9 launches between April 2025 and June 2026.
May 2025
🚌 Bandwagon-4 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to 45 degree inclination 550–600 km altitude.
June 2025
Spainsat NG II • Hisdesat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Communications satellite built on the Eurostar-Neo platform, to be utilized by the Spanish government and its allies. Second of two launches for the Spainsat-NG program.
June 2025
🚌 Transporter-14 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
Q2 2025
Ax-4 • Axiom Space
F9 B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • LEO (ISS)
Contract for 3 additional missions was signed in June 2021.
H2 2025 onwards (3 flights)
Project Kuiper constellation deployment • Kuiper Systems / Amazon
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
Announced Dec 1st, 2023. Three Falcon 9 launches beginning in the second half of 2025 in support of Amazon's Project Kuiper megaconstellation.
August 2025
Haven-1 • Vast
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
Launch of a new commercial space station by Vast Space.
September 2025
Vast-1 • Vast
F9 B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • LEO
First crewed mission to the Haven-1 space station.
September 2025
🌘 Griffin Mission 1 • Astrobotic NASA (Artemis)
Falcon Heavy B5 B10?? (core), B1072.2 (side), B1086.2 (side) • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
Astrobotic's Griffin lunar lander was originally expected to deliver NASA's VIPER rover to the lunar south pole prior to its cancellation. Booster recovery method is unconfirmed, but could possibly feature the first Falcon Heavy center core recovery attempt since STP-2. Amidst cost growth and delays to readiness of the rover and the Griffin lander, the VIPER program was ended in July 2024, with the rover planned to be disassembled and its instruments and components reused for other lunar missions. The agency still plans to support the Griffin lander to arrive on the moon in fall of 2025, though with a mass simulator in place of the VIPER rover. NASA expects the primary objectives of VIPER to be fulfilled by an array of other missions planned for the next several years.
October 2025
🌘 IM-3 Nova-C lunar lander • NASA (CLPS) Intuitive Machines
F9 B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
Third mission for Intuitive Machines, with multiple rideshare payloads. This mission was selected by NASA under the CLPS program in November 2021.
October 2025
🚌 Transporter-15 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
November 2025
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • LEO
Identical to Sentinel-6A.
Q4 2025
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO
Announced in October 2023, CHORUS will be a commercial Earth observation constellation owned and operated by MDA Ltd. Will utilize C and X-band SAR.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer B • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer C • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer D • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer E • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Tracking layer C • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch part of Phase 2 US Space Force contract awarded in 2022.
Globalstar-3 M104–120 (17 satellites) • Globalstar
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO
Globalstar's third-generation satellite constellation, launching to a 52 degree inclination orbit at an altitude of 1,410 km.
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Geostationary weather satellite. Launch vehicle changed from Ariane 6 to Falcon 9.
O3b mPOWER 9-11 • SES
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • MEO
In August 2020, SES expanded the O3b mPOWER contract with a fourth launch. In October 2023 the mission was delayed to 2025 due to electrical issues discovered in the first four satellites of the constellation.
Mission Robotic Vehicle (MRV) × 1 Mission Extension Pod (MEP) × 3 • Northrop Grumman
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Developed from Northrop Grumman's 2,000 kg Mission Extension Vehicle architecture. One MEP (400 kg each) will be attached to Optus D3.
Skynet 6A • Airbus / UK Ministry of Defence
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
British military communications satellite ordered to bridge the gap between Skynet-5 and its successor.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer T1TL-F • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer T1TR-A • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer T1TR-E • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer T2TL-A • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
SDA Tranche 1 Transport layer T2TL-C • SDA
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • Polar LEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • Classified
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • MEO
Launch is part of Phase 2 US Air Force contract awarded in 2022.
2025–2026 (4 flights)
📦 SpaceX CRS-32 to SpaceX CRS-35 • NASA (CRS)
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO (ISS)
Six additional CRS-2 missions for Dragon 2 were announced in March 2022, resupplying the ISS until 2026.
Q1 2026
🚌 Transporter-16 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
Q2 2026
🚌 Transporter-17 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
Q4 2026
🚌 Transporter-18 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • GSO
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • GSO
Arabsat 7A • Arabsat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Announced in September 2022, Arabsat 7A will enter a geostationary orbit after its launch by a Falcon 9 rocket.
O3b mPOWER 12 & 13 • SES
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • MEO
Two additional satellites were announced in October 2023 due to electrical issues discovered in the first four satellites of the constellation.
🌘 Astrobotic Technology Lunar Lander • Astrobotic Technology
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
Astrobotic's third upcoming lander mission to the Moon. Targeting a South Pole landing in 2026.
October 2026-
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • MEO
First GPS Block IIIF launch.
2026 and later (14 flights)
Telesat Lightspeed × 18 • Telesat
F9 B5 • TBD • LEO
Announced in September 2023, Telesat has booked 14 launches of up to 18 satellites each.
5 more launches (Crew-10 through Crew-14) • NASA (ISS)
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO (ISS)
In June 2022, NASA announced it purchased an additional 5 crewed flights from SpaceX in addition to the previous 9 missions on top of the $3.5 billion contract.
Q1 2027
🚌 Transporter-19 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
May 2027
Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope • NASA
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • Sun–Earth L2
Flagship-class infrared space telescope.
Q2 2027
🚌 Transporter-20 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
August 2027
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • LEO
Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI).
Q4 2027
🚌 Transporter-21 (smallsat rideshare) • Various
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
Dedicated SmallSat Rideshare mission to sun-synchronous orbit.
H2 2027
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Also known as Cheollian-3. A South Korean communication satellite with a mass of 3.7 tonnes, replacing GEO-Kompsat-1.
Al Yah 4 • Yahsat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Replacement for Al Yah 1.
F9 B5 • Vandenberg, SLC‑4E • SSO
Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS).
Power and Propulsion Element (PPE) Habitation and Logistics Outpost (HALO) • NASA (Artemis)
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
First two Gateway space station modules as part of the Artemis program, awarded in February 2021. The launch will cost NASA $331.8 million and will utilize Falcon Heavy's extended fairing.
Al Yah 5 • Yahsat
F9 B5 • TBA (FL) • GTO
Replacement for Al Yah 2.
🌘 GLS-1 (Dragon XL) • NASA (Gateway Logistics Services)
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
In March 2020, NASA announced its first contract for the Gateway Logistics Services that guarantees at least two launches on a new variant of the Dragon spacecraft that will carry over 5 tonnes of cargo to the Lunar Gateway on 6–12 months long missions.
F9 B5 • TBD • Polar LEO
Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment-Continuity (GRACE-C).
GLS-2 (Dragon XL) • NASA (Gateway Logistics Services)
Falcon Heavy B5 • Kennedy, LC‑39A • TLI
Second Dragon XL logistics module.
🚌 CAS500-4 Likely Rideshare • Korea Aerospace Industries
F9 B5 • TBD • SSO
A satellite to monitor Korean agriculture.